COD 306 – C++ Memory Safety: Debugging Tools and Techniques
Course Overview
The C++ programming language is widely used to create software applications and is widely prevalent among developers. However, C++ memory vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data, resulting in legal and economic repercussions, including fines, lawsuits, and damage to reputation. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your C++ code functions as intended and has no memory issues or runtime errors.
Debugging is a process of identifying and fixing errors in software code. This course is ideal for NICE Workforce’s Software Developer (SP-DEV-001), Systems Requirements Planner (SP-SRP-001), Vulnerability Assessment Analyst (PR-VAM-001), and Secure Software Assessor (SP-DEV-002) roles. This course focuses on three essential techniques: runtime detection with Address Sanitizer, using Valgrind to detect memory management bugs, and performing static analysis with Clag-Tidy, Cppcheck, and Visual Studio’s built-in static analysis tools. It ensures developers have the ability to debug C++ Code efficiently and that it is safe and secure to use.
After successfully completing this course, developers will have the knowledge, skills, and tools to:
- Identify memory issues
- Detect runtime errors
- Perform static code analysis
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Course Details
NICE Work Role Category
Available Languages
- English